Embracing Summer, 5 Mindful ways to Find Harmony in Nature

As we stand on the threshold of a new season, we invite you to enjoy a little guided meditation we put together, just for you. Just as one can use mindfulness to center and embrace the present moment, may the following meditations serve as your opportunity to envision yourself in the essence of summer at Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary. We would like to welcome you to the lushness of June, where the long days reach their peak just as the forest bursts into song and vibrant shades of green. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and allow the tranquility of nature to wash over you as we explore the beauty and harmony that awaits in the blooming Japanese gardens and beyond.

1. The Dance of Light and Shadow

As the sun’s long light reaches its zenith, shadows are cast, dancing among the blooming flowers and bushes of our Japanese gardens. Watch the water ripple as the koi swim peacefully below the surface, casting shadows against the bottom of the pond and shimmering in the fading light. Take a moment to bask in the golden glow, feeling the warmth on your skin as you stroll  along the tranquil garden path.

2. The Song of the Swainson’s Thrush

As the days grow longer, the air fills with the melodious echo of the Swainson’s Thrush, a very special little songbird that comes to visit us from May – August. As you stand on the front lawn and take in the flowering dogwood, close your eyes and listen for their song transport you to a place of tranquility. As you walk through our creekside woods, allow their soulful call to take you where time slows down and worries fade away. Click here for a listen to the melodic notes of the Swainson’s Thrush at Osmosis. 

3. The Colorful Beauty of Summer Blooms

On our consciously curated grounds, the scene is colored with a bright array of flowering bushes and trees. The air is perfumed with the delicate scent of blossoming flowers. Allow your eyes to feast in this visual delight, take a deep breath and let the vibrancy of the flowers draw you in, filling you with a sense of calm and contentment.

4. Connecting with Nature’s Rhythm

We believe in the power of nature to heal and rejuvenate, and offer up our sanctuary as your opportunity to reconnect with the earth in all its glory. Whether you’re immersed in a pagoda massage or practicing mindfulness in our meditation garden, allow yourself to connect with the natural rhythms of the earth. Hear the wind blowing through the trees, listen to the tranquil movements of the koi fish in our Japanese garden pond or the soothing cadence of birdsong at sunset. Feel the strong earth beneath your feet as you walk through our bamboo garden, and allow your slow calm breath to bring you back to center as you connect with nature.

5. Cultivating Inner Harmony

As the seasons change, so too do we. Each season of our life evolves and melts into the next, as we continue to grow and change on our life journey. Take an opportunity to reflect on your own path of growth and renewal, appreciating all your experiences for what they have taught you. Invite yourself to find harmony within as you immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.


At Osmosis Day Spa, we invite you to embrace the magic of summer and discover the harmonious resonance that exists between ourselves and the natural world. Join us as we celebrate the arrival of warmer days and blooming gardens, and let nature guide you on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. We would love to help you reserve your visit today and embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation unlike any other.