Why Barefoot Massage Is Awesome

As a long time bodyworker I am always looking for new massage techniques, different ways to use my hands and deepen my understanding of the body, to help ease people’s pain and tension.  Near the beginning of my bodywork career

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Introducing Our Newest Treatment, Deep Barefoot Massage!


We are thrilled to be able to offer this amazing and effective new modality to our valued clientele starting December 2022!

Drawing from a variety of foot-based massage techniques from around the globe, this massage Read the rest

Osmosis Proud To Partner With Locally-Sourced Skincare Brand, Laurel!

Osmosis is proud to partner with Laurel Skin Care, a local Sonoma County brand that uses entirely plant based and organic ingredients in their handmade skin care products. Laurel is a perfect partner for Osmosis, as we share in … Read the rest

Massage Benefits In The Time Of COVID

By Heather Bishop

What a time we have endured! A global pandemic that has affected our lives, and our culture, in irreversible ways.

Extreme political division and civil unrest, repeated shutdowns of all non-essential services, and a life suddenly lived … Read the rest

Experience Unique Healing In Our Japanese Gardens

“At a fundamental level, humans have an innate need to connect with nature. When we are in nature – particularly, in a Japanese garden – we feel grounded and our senses are alert. Our pace slows, our heart listens, and Read the rest