Green living and resource conservation are not new themes at Osmosis. From day one, we’ve believed in a deep connection between personal health and planetary sustainability, and have worked carefully to create an eco-conscious spa and sanctuary.
Our commitment to sustainable operations resonates in everything we do, from the services we offer, to the organic materials and products we use, and how we recycle and compost our waste. Here’s just a taste of what we have done and what we do on a daily basis:
- Recycled & Renewable Building—Working with local craftspeople, we refinished and furnished the spa with eco-sensitive materials, including recycled driftwood, organic textiles, and non-toxic paints.
- Water Conservation—We constructed the first county-approved wetlands for a non-agricultural business in Sonoma County, saving nearly 1,000 gallons of water per day by recycling greywater for underground irrigation.
- Skin Care—All of our skin care products are free of carcinogens and produced by companies committed to the highest standards of health and environmental responsibility.
- Energy—In 2009, we installed solar thermal hot water collectors—this innovative technology provides 80% of the BTU’s needed to heat all of the spa’s hot water!
- Waste Reduction—We use ceramic cups to serve our organic teas and purified water, rather than disposable cups. In our first year, we reduced our waste output by 25%! Additionally, we provide our used enzyme bath mix to the community for use as mulch, saving approximately 18 cubic yards of landfill space per month!
Best Practices Award
Osmosis has been recognized by the Business Environmental Alliance of Sonoma County with its Best Practices Award. We’re proud of this award, which is shared by all our staff and associates whose hard work and imaginative suggestions contribute to Osmosis being a green spa.
What You Can Do
Sustainability is a shared commitment, and we hope you will join us in simple acts of conservation while visiting Osmosis:
- Deposit waste in the appropriate trash, compost, or recycling bins
- Keep the same glass cup with you to hydrate after each of your treatments
- Turn off lights when not in use
- Take short showers and turn off water while soaping
- Enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Meditation and Tea Gardens
Of course, we hope your experience here inspires you to other acts of sustainability in your daily life as well!